Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Oh my!

Social Media Samples

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Oh my!

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Oh my!

I love when a brand knows how to use social media and knows how to use it well! There are brands that I have become interested in solely because I enjoyed checking out their social media pages. I️ hope I️ can also have this effect on viewers.

I have been able to write and design social media posts for Innovyze and AMA PDX. I wrote and created the graphics for all of the social media posts.

Facebook Post - AMA PDX Luncheon Event

Facebook Post - AMA PDX Luncheon Event

LinkedIn Post - Product Promotion

LinkedIn Post - Product Promotion

LinkedIn Post - Partnership Announced

LinkedIn Post - Partnership Announced

LinkedIn Post - Innovyze Case Study

LinkedIn Post - Innovyze Case Study